Temario oposiciones tecnico superior psicologia

Temario oposiciones tecnico superior psicologia

Cef opositions

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS COURSE. Study at a distance the fundamental concepts about Trading and become a real professional trading safely in the online markets.  Take advantage of this opportunity and get ready to reach your professional goals in the most comfortable and effective way. We are waiting for you!

The present of Specialist in Technical Analysis for Trading offers a specialized training in the subject. Nowadays the stock market has become a very important aspect in the business sector, so having a broad and deep vision of this phenomenon is very important to avoid making mistakes in the complex financial market. Thanks to the completion of this course in Technical Analysis for Trading you will be able to acquire the appropriate techniques to develop professionally in this environment and to be able to develop your work successfully.

This course in Technical Analysis for Trading prepares you to have a complete vision of the stock market environment, as well as the techniques to be used in trading, buying and selling securities in order to obtain the highest possible profits.

Updates cef

Today’s edition of the BOCYL publishes the call for 15 vacancies (1 vacancy reserved for people with disabilities) of Architect for the Junta de Castilla y León, corresponding to the vacancies offered in 2019 and 2021. The deadline for submitting applications will be 20 working days.

  Fundamentos metodologicos en psicologia y ciencias afines

Today’s edition of the BOCYL publishes the call for 15 positions (1 position reserved for people with disabilities) of Architect for the Junta de Castilla y León, corresponding to the positions offered in 2019, 2020 and 2021. The deadline for submitting applications will be 20 working days.

The Junta de Castilla – La Mancha is planning to call for positions in different specialties.  We have the best syllabus and online test for your preparation for the competitive examinations of Technical Architect (4 vacancies offered), Agricultural Technical Engineers (8 vacancies offered), Industrial Technical Engineers (8 vacancies offered) and Social Workers (17 vacancies offered).

The Region of Murcia will publish the announcements of different specialties, among which we can highlight:  Industrial Engineers (3 vacancies offered), Technical Architects (5 vacancies offered), Agricultural Technical Engineers (39 vacancies offered) and Industrial Technical Engineers (2 vacancies offered).


This Master in Political Science: Political Scientist offers specialized training in the subject. We must know that the importance of political science is based on the attempt it manifests to know phenomena related to authority within society. Political science today is developed as an autonomous discipline, as a discourse with its own references and common places, hence the importance of training in this branch.

This academic program allows students of this science to develop their knowledge and to train themselves for the development of their career in the national and international political context, focusing on the study of some areas such as those listed below:

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Upon successful completion of the academic program presented in these masters with university degree, students will be able to develop a professional career in the field of Politics and Coaching, both nationally and internationally.

Contact us and ask for more information about our masters and how they can help you boost your professional career. Discover why more and more students, both national and international, choose our center to update their studies in a science that has a great impact on the daily lives of all people.

Treasury technical agenda

…Human Resources and thus be able to develop a high-level professional career. Studying at ISEB you will receive the advice of experts and tutors that together with… Learn about: Personnel selection, Recruitment of personnel, Selection process…

…Human Resources and thus be able to develop a high-level professional career. Studying at ISEB you will receive the advice of experts and tutors who together with… Learn about: Personnel selection, Recruitment of personnel, Selection process…

…brings you the master’s degree in management and human resources management, which will allow you to acquire all the knowledge and skills necessary to… Learn about: Labor conflicts, Personal skills, Employment contract…

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…brings you the master’s degree in management and human resources management, which will allow you to acquire all the knowledge and skills necessary to… Learn about: Labor conflicts, Personal skills, Employment contract…

…online by the prestigious Enalde Business School. You have a consultation service, a tutor in charge at all times so you can make queries … Learn about: Recruitment of personnel, Occupational hazards, Management by competencies…

Acerca del autor

Elinda Ferrer Covarrubias

Soy Elinda Ferrer Covarrubias, trabajo de profesora de psicología para alumnos de máster, además de dedicarme a realizar estudios avanzados. Mi mayor afición es la música, en especial el rap.

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