Paginas de psicologia en instagram

Paginas de psicologia en instagram

Psychiatrist White Room

The professional’s file includes contact information, professional experience, available hours and fees. Features that will allow the client to find the professional that best suits their needs.

A self-help tool with which to significantly improve the management of your personal resources in the achievement of your daily goals, by your own means or by requesting the online help of one of our expert therapists.

There is no cost to cancel a scheduled session, but it is necessary to do so in advance (at least 1 hour before the session starts). If you cancel two sessions without notice or you do not attend (you connect) to them, you will consume a session whose amount will receive the therapist as compensation.

The psychologist can help you to better manage your behavior, thoughts and emotions in order to face your relationships, goals and life challenges, whether or not you have a mental illness (psychosis, major depression, bipolar disorder). If you suffer from a mental illness, either occasionally or recurrently, the psychiatrist can prescribe medication to regulate the neurophysiological dysfunction that underlies the mental disorder.

Happy brain

The duration of somatic symptoms is variable, it depends on what is generating the anxiety, and if it is maintained. Somatizations are ways that the body has to warn us that something does not feel good. Treating that anxiety allows us to work on the cause of the somatizations.

  Frases de la psicologia humanista

My best friend was diagnosed with anorexia about 6 months ago, she is undergoing treatment and is trying hard to get better, but she constantly tells me that she feels fat and I don’t know what to say to help her and not harm her progress, what can I do when she tells me that?

It is very good that your friend can count on your support, but it is important not to debate these comments, and to remind her why she is trying to recover, and how much you care about her. In order to help her it is important to be able to listen to how she feels without judging her.

My specialty is the treatment of addictions to substances and behavioral addictions (addiction to new technologies, video games, online gambling, pathological gambling, compulsive shopping, emotional dependence, eating disorders).

Patri_psychologist instagram

More and more people are searching Instagram for videos or posts from which to learn aspects related to psychiatric illnesses, emotion management or psychological well-being. Miguel Álvarez de Mon, psychiatric physician, reveals 8 Instagram accounts worth following to learn more about mental health.

  Embarazo en la adolescencia psicologia

Mental health is booming, and Instagram is not staying on the sidelines. More and more psychiatrists and psychologists are engaging in outreach through Instagram. And if these accounts are growing, it’s because people are demanding it. More and more people are searching Instagram for videos or posts from which to learn aspects related to psychiatric illnesses, emotion management or psychological well-being. The most positive thing is that people have the opportunity to learn from professionals, but you have to know how to choose. Below I list the accounts that I like the most, and you can see that not always the accounts with the most followers are the best.


Ced. Prof. 12308926 Hi, my name is Sofía Campas, I am a psychotherapist with a Systemic approach focused on Brief Therapy, which means that the therapy focuses on you as part of a context, which is composed of your family, social, work, etc. spheres. I am also interested in the area of neuropsychology, a field I am exploring.

I have experience in the prevention of risk behaviors, therapy with adolescents and, currently I work in a psychological center and also in a clinic in my city. Currently, I collaborate in My Healthy Mind Project, where I help adolescents and young adults with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, emotional dependencies, grief, etc. and I really enjoy what I do.

  Distintas areas de la psicologia

I am originally from San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora, I like to explore and observe, I enjoy spending time with my family, I like poetry, hamburgers, lemon water mixed with hibiscus and chocolate ice cream, I like the beach, the countryside, the river, traveling, appreciating the view and I am afraid of challenges but I have taken many leaps of faith.

Acerca del autor

Elinda Ferrer Covarrubias

Soy Elinda Ferrer Covarrubias, trabajo de profesora de psicología para alumnos de máster, además de dedicarme a realizar estudios avanzados. Mi mayor afición es la música, en especial el rap.

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